How to Formula feed your baby

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Here are some regularly asked questions from some if my Mummy clients about formula feeding and some (hopefully) reassuring answers:⠀⠀

🍼 What infant formula should I use? It doesn’t matter what brand you use as they are all very similar, but talk to your midwife if health visitor before choosing a soya based formula⠀⠀
🍼 Does “hungry baby milk” help if you have a hungry baby? There’s no evidence of this.⠀⠀
🍼 Should I move onto “follow on milk” when my baby is 6 months old? No. The best thing to do is stick to first infant formula throughout the first year ⠀⠀
🍼 How long do I need to use formula milk for? Once your baby is one year old, and is getting vitamins and minerals from food, you can use cows milk instead.⠀⠀
🍼 I’m not sure if I want to breastfeed. Where can I get some advice? I always recommend talking to your doctor or health visitor when thinking about how to feed your baby. It can also sometimes be helpful to chat to a breastfeeding expert as they might be able to reassure you or answer some of your questions. Get in touch with me if you’d like some breastfeeding expert recommendations
🍼 should I feel guilty if I decide I want to bottle feed? OMG ABSOLUTELY NOT! Just so long as you and your baby are happy and healthy that’s all that matters!!⠀
🍼 How can I get some more advice on formula feeding if I decide this is what I want to do? drop me a DM as I can tell you about a new online mini Masterclass I am running: “A practical guide to bottle feeding”which i hold regularly. Or, if you’re impatient, you can book onto a phone consultation with me and I will take you through everything! ⠀


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